There’s no better way to elevate your next camping experience than with your very own RV, but they can be a big investment. It’s important to get the right one, and that’s hard to do if you aren’t sure what questions to ask. We here at McGovern’s RV & Marine know a bit about the RV buying process, so we’ve put together some of the questions you should ask the dealership when you go shopping. To learn more, or to see the RVs we have for sale, contact our store in Grande Prairie, Alberta, today!

What Type Of RV Best Meets My Needs?

With the overwhelming variety of RVs on the market, your first step is to ask what type is best for you. To get the most useful information you can, spend some time thinking about how you like to travel, the size of vehicle you’re comfortable driving, whether you’re comfortable towing trailers, and what sort of space and amenities you prefer. 

Also talk to the dealership staff about the number of folks who will be with you, how often you’ll be traveling, your storage options, comfort preferences, and so on. 

What Brands Do You Recommend?

Dealerships tend to offer a variety of brands, each with their own quirks and strengths. These dealerships have been selling the brands long enough that they’ll be able to direct you to the one that best aligns with your interests and needs. They’ll also know which brands and models have design issues, maintenance problems, or necessary upgrades to make them more comfortable.

You should also talk about which brands are most popular, since more common ones will be easier to get maintenance for. 

What Are The Standard And Add-On Features For This RV?

When you’ve got a few models in mind, it’s time to ask specifics about what they’ll come with. Sometimes a model on the lot will have features that aren’t standard, so if you buy the base option you might end up disappointed. Learn what features and amenities come in the basic version, what you can add to it, and how much extra those add-ons cost. 

What Does The Warranty Cover?

One of the biggest questions you should ask is what exactly the warranty covers. Chances are a new RV will have one or more manufacturer warranties that protect you if there are defects or minor accidents, but they won’t necessarily cover all types of damage. Learn what maintenance will be free and what will be out-of-pocket before you finalize any purchase.

We hope this helps you get started on your RV hunt! If you have any questions, or you’d like to see the RVs we have in stock, contact us at McGoverns’ RV & Marine. We proudly serve the people of Edmonton, Alberta—let us serve you today!