There’s nothing like a family boating trip to bond and enjoy a beautiful day, but—as you know—kids don’t always stick to safe activities, and they get bored quickly. We here at McGovern’s RV & Marine want to make sure your family outing stays fun and relaxing, so we’ve put together some tips for boating with kids. To learn more, or to see the boats we have for sale, contact our store in Grande Prairie, Alberta, today!

Safety First

The most important part of all this is that everyone, kids included, behaves safely. Make sure all passengers wear well-fitted life jackets at all times, though you may need to buy new ones regularly to keep up with growth spurts. Smaller children should wear life jackets with crotch straps to help them keep it on securely. Ensure all kids know how to swim and stay afloat.

You’ll also need to run the kids through the rules. Our three favorites are:

  • No running.
  • No dangling arms or legs overboard.
  • No climbing.

Add to the list as needed, depending on the children in question. You should also walk them through the boat’s layout so they know where everything, including emergency supplies, is stowed. 

Hydration And Snacks

Even adults are known to get hangry, and they’ve been regulating their own emotions for years and years. Kids don’t have that benefit, and dehydration is a serious risk, so make sure they stay fed and watered. Bring along a cooler with bottled water, juice boxes, and cold snacks like yogurt, fruit cups, sandwiches, etc. Non-perishable snacks like granola and crackers are also great.


The temperature is always a few degrees cooler on the water than it is on shore, and kids are very susceptible to temperature variations. Bring some blankets or changes of clothing to help them stay warm. Layering is always wise, so extra layers like jackets and sweaters are helpful.

Plan Activities

Cruising on the water might be fun enough for an adult, but kids get bored quickly. Bring along some fun activities that are safe for the moving and watery environment of a boat. That includes magnetic travel board games, coloring books, binoculars (which are great for “I Spy”), clay, etc. If you’re comfortable with it, a laptop with some downloaded movies or DVDs can also help keep everyone entertained and relaxed. Making a playlist to commemorate the day is always fun, and kids love to learn how to navigate and operate vehicles. There’s plenty to do on the water, if you plan ahead!

We hope these tips help you and yours stay safe and satisfied on your journeys. If you have any questions, or you’d like to see the boats we have in stock, contact us at McGovern’s RV & Marine. We proudly serve the people of Edmonton, Alberta—let us serve you today!